Monday, July 29, 2013

The Australian Embassy: Public Tender for Motorbikes

Public Tender for Motorbikes

The Australian Embassy in Dili is selling five (5) motorbikes by public tender.

Motorbike 1. Honda Revo, 2010
Motorbike 2. Yamaha Mio, 2011
Motorbike 3. Honda Mega Pro, 2008
Motorbike 4. Honda Revo, 2009
Motorbike 5. Yamaha Mio, 2009

The tender will commence on Thursday 1 August 2013, with a closing date of Friday 9 August 2013. Bids for the motorbikes must clearly indicate which motorbike the bid is for and include details of person bidding and amount offered. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and deposited in the tender box located at the reception of the Australian Embassy.

Viewing of the motorbikes will only be available on Thursday 1 and Friday 9 August 2013 from 11:00AM- 11:45AM.

Friday, July 12, 2013

JSMP Husu Lori Eis Sekjer PN Ba KAK

Jornal Nacional Diario
Terca-feira, 02 Julho 2013
Judisial Sistem Monitoring Programe (JSMP) husu, atu lori eis sekretariu Jeral (Sekejer), Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Joao do Amaral ba Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) atu halo investigasaun, tanba deskonfia halo korupsaun.
Kestaun ne’e, relasiona ho deklarasaun politika husi Partidu Politika FRETILIN katak, relatoriu Kompania Internasional Independente, Delloite, tinan 2009 to’o Junu 2011, hetan defisiensia barak kona ba lalaok prosediementu no sistema kontrolu internu aprovijionamentu Parlamentu Nasional (PN) ne’ebe iha indikasaun korupsaun sistematizadu. 
Diretur JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio hateten, Eis Sekretariu jeral PN Joao do Amaral ne’ebe durante ninian mandatu, diskonfia halo korupsaun. 
“Hau hanoin ne’e tenki lori ba KAK atu halo investigasaun, atu klarifika iha dadus ou faktus ne’ebe mak sufisiente, tamba ami fiar iha instituisaun sira ne’ebe mak tutela, instituisaun sira ne’ebe mak sai nain ba kazu korupsaun tenke lori ba KAK halo investigasaun,” hateten Direktur JSMP Luis Oliveira, ba Jornalista sira, iha Salaun Delta Nova, Sesta (28/6).
Nia mos husu atu lori dadus ba aprejenta iha Komisaun Anti Korupsaun hodi halo investigasaun atu hare elementu kriminal ba kazu ne’e prienxe entaun sei lori ba Ministeriu Publiku atu kontinua halo investigasaun hodi hare nia merese duni lori ba Tribunal ka lae. 
“Ita tenki tau fiar ba ita nia instituisaun Polisia, KAK, atu halo investigasaun tanba seidauk klaru, alegasaun ne’e los ka lae, maibe investigasuan mak sei determina kazu ne’e los ka la los alegasaun ne’e iha faktus ka laiha faktus,” hateten Luis.
Antes ne’e, Esi Sekretariu jeral PN Joao Rui Amaral hateten, durante nia mandatu tinan 5 resin nia parte halo tuir deit regulamentu servisu Sekretariu Jeral PN nia.